Sound Medium

Chao-Ming Lu , Chen-Wei Weng
Media: steel wire, LED lights, sensors, woods, iron
Year: 2020
About the work:

The conversion and transformation of delivering messages are invisible traces in life. The "daily interpersonal relationship" that connects people with one another, which is activated at any time during the day and night. In this installation, we try to convert an unseen signal scene into a visible landscape, transforming the invisible sounds to the tangible lights and then to the kinetic energy to separate the spaces. The artwork has two expressions. One is used as a part of space planning to guide the visitors to the directions of exhibition, and the other is to reproduce the close invisible relationship between two points by using sounds and lights instead of the body to visit throughout the museum. 

Team: Wei-Ting Lin, En-Tse Chen,  Ling-Chien Jian, Yang-Che  Hong, Yong-Hsin Chang、吳沂恩、Yu-Tzu Wang
Photographs: WANG SHI BANG



作品媒材:鋼線、LED燈、感測元件、木構件 、鐵件

